Detox your Body:The Master Cleanse Detox.





Are you interested in detoxifying your body with the Master Cleanse, water fasting, or juice fasting? If so, you will likely spend a great deal of time researching the detox and how to achieve the best results. Yes, this is important, but so is knowing what to do following a detox.

During water fasting, juice fasting, and the Master Cleanse, you will abstain from eating solid foods. The day your cleanse concludes, you might want to jump right into a bag of chips or just enjoy a fine meal. These are natural feelings, but not steps that you should take. Most water fast for at least 5 days, some fast on juice for 2 weeks, and some do the Master Cleanse for a month. During this time, your body has adjusted to not having solid foods; therefore, you need to reintroduce them to your body.



The first day or two after the Master Cleanse, water fasting, or juice fasting, it is advised that you stay away from solid foods. If on the juice fast, your body was provided with some nutrients; therefore, you can work your way up to liquid soups or applesauce. If on the Master Cleanse or a water fast, start with juices first and then start the transition. Although you want the fasting to be over with when the detox is, your body will thank for your making the transition smooth.

When on a detox diet, you should lose weight. Your weight loss will depend on the diet you selected, as well as your current weight. The less food and calories you consume and the higher you weigh, the more weight you will lose. Even if weight loss was not your main goal, it will be a result you will treasure and appreciate. For that reason, do not waste it. If you don’t already, start to exercise. Even if it is only a mile walk 3 days a week, you can help to keep your gained weight off.

In addition to exercise, you will want to continue eating healthy following a body detox or cleanse. You spent days, if not more, cleansing your body and ridding it of unnatural toxins. So, why just put more in? Now is the perfect time to switch to all-natural, organic foods. If you do not want to make the full-time switch to organic, look for foods that are low in sugar, calories, and fats.

At the conclusion of a detox diet, do not return to your normal ways. This is important if you drink large amounts of alcohol, smoke cigarettes, or drink a lot of caffeine. These items are not good for your body. That is why they should be eliminated permanently from your diet. The good news is that following a 10-day or more cleanse, you may no longer feel the need to have a cigarette, your nightly glass of wine, or your daily soda.

It is also important to increase your fiber and drink water. As previously stated, your body just spent days eliminating toxin buildup. Even if you eat healthy, toxins will find a way into your body. A cleanse helped you get a jump on this cleaning, but water and fiber can

continue the process on a daily basis. They will make it easier for your body to stay flushed out and clean.

Most important, reintroduce solid foods back into your diet at a slow and steady pace. Once this has been accomplished, keep an eye on the foods and drinks you consume. The more healthier they are, the less buildup of toxins you should experience.


Check out this free ebook and 10 day detox plan to get you started today.


