Preparing For a Body Detox



Are you ready to cleanse your body with a detox? If this is your first time doing so, you may be wondering what you need to do prepare. Continue reading on to find out.

Research your detox diet options. Yes, you may have already done this, but do it again. To have a successful detoxification, you need to choose the right method. For example, water fasting works for some, but you may find it too difficult to go a week without solid foods. Do not try a popular detox that you know you cannot stick to. Instead, find the plan that works best for you.

Speak to your doctor. Although many Americans start a body detox at home without first consulting with their doctor, you are advised to do so. This is particularly true if you suffer from medical conditions, such as thyroid problems, obesity, or diabetes. In many cases, your doctor will develop plan for you to safely detox, but it may not involve the plan you had selected. You may not even need to schedule an appointment, as your doctor may be able to provide you with a quick, over-the-phone consultation.

Start weaning yourself off of your “must haves.” Do you need to have a glass of soda everyday, a couple of cigarettes throughout the day, or two cups of coffee in the morning? These items will be eliminated from your diet while on a detox. Unfortunately, many Americans have become dependent on caffeine, alcohol, and cigarettes. If you are one of those individuals, you may suffer from withdrawal. To lessen the impact, start weaning yourself from these items. For example, do you drink three cups of coffee a day? If so, start with 2 ½ cups and slowly work your way down. Start this process at least a week before you intend to detox.


Begin to buy supplies. Regardless of how you intend to detoxify your body, you will need to buy supplies. The only exception is water fasting and if you intend to use tap water. If you opt for the Master Cleanse, your shopping list will include fresh lemons or limes, cayenne pepper, grade b maple syrup, natural salt, and senna tea. If you opt for a juice fast, your list may include all-natural juices or a juicer and fresh fruits and vegetables.

Great a goal plan. You may already have a main goal in mind, such as removing stored toxins and waste from your body or losing weight, but create more detailed goals. For example, are you on the Master Cleanse? How long do you intend to detox? Although 10 days is recommended, some aim for more or less. Determine exactly how long you want to detox.

Create a list of distractions. Similar to creating a goal plan, you need to develop a plan to overcome the urge to quit. If you are on the Master Cleanse, water fasting, or juice fasting, you will likely experience severe to moderate hunger pains. After all, who wouldn’t after a week of no food? Many are able to overcome the side effects of a strenuous detox, but you  

may need some help. Create a plan ahead of time, such as having your favorite movies on hand, extra spending money for a shopping trip, and so forth.

Finally, make sure you have support. A body detox with the use of fasting can be difficult on your physical body, as well as your emotions. If you do not have a strong support system at home, turn to the internet. Suggestions, support, and advice from others can go a long way.


Check out this free ebook and 10 day detox plan to get you started today.